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Hva er Bank Statusmeldinger for 2023?

Her finner du oversikt over Bank statusmeldinger for 2023


28. desember 2023


Files from Handelsbanken are delayed today.
The delay only pertains to account and file type below.
Countries affected by delay:
The Netherlands
United kingdom
File type affected by delay:
Extended accounti nformation
We will get back to you as soon as possible

7. desember 2023


Kjære kunde,
Grunnet planlagt vedlikehold vil det være brudd i Corporate Access Payables tjenestene mellom 09:00 - 13:00 CET lørdag 9. desember 2023
Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører.
Best regards/ Vennlig hilsen,
Nordea Cash Management Customer Support

1. desember 2023


Due to Planned Maintenance activity, DNB File Gateway will be unavailable during the Time Window 03/12/2023 09:00:00 to 03/12/2023 10:00:00 CET.
So please make arrangement to send or receive files from our File Gateway before or after the Downtime Interval.



30. november 2023


Kjære kunde,
Grunnet planlagt vedlikehold lørdag 2. desember mellom 10:00 og 14:00 CET vil Corporate Access Payables tjenesten være utilgjengelig for våre kunder i tidsrommet.
Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører.

22. november 2023


Kjære kunde,
Corporate Access Account rapporter for Norske konti mangler, eller er tomme.
Alle CA XML bankavstemmingsfiler Camt053 og Camt053ext filer mangler transaksjoner for 21 november 2023.
Alle CA XML Camt054C kredit meldinger mangler for 21.11.2023
Problemet er løst og utsendelse av korrekte filer pågår.
Bankavstemmingsfilene som sendes ut vil være kopier av dagens tidligere utsendte filer, Camt053 og Camt053ext, og ikke nye filer.
Rapportene vil leveres som DUPL i copyduplicateindicator men med en unik msgID.
Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører

17. november 2023


Kjære kunde,
På grunn av vedlikehold vil Corporate Access Payables tjenesten være utilgjengelig søndag 19 november mellom kl 09-13 CET.
Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører.

7. november 2023


Planned service break in Corporate Access Payables on 11 Nov 2023 
Affected customers: Corporate Access Payables customers 
Customer impact: Planned maintenance work will cause disruption in Corporate Access Payables service on Saturday 11 November during 09:00 - 11:00 CET. 
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

2. november 2023


Planned Service Break Cancelled. 
Planned service break in Corporate Access Payables on 2 Nov 2023 
Affected customers: Corporate Access Payables customers 
Customer impact: The previous informed service break on Thursday 2 November during 20:00 - 22:00 CEST is cancelled. 
Service will work normally. 
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea



30. oktoberber 2023


Planned service break in Corporate Access Payables on 2 Nov 2023 
Affected customers: Corporate Access Payables customers 
Customer impact: Planned maintenance work will cause disruption in Corporate Access Payables service on on Thursday 2 November during 20:00 - 22:00 CEST

We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

26. oktoberber 2023


Planned Service Break Planned service break in Corporate Access Payables on 26 Oct 2023 
Affected customers: Corporate Access Payables customers 
Customer impact: Planned maintenance work will cause disruption in Corporate Access Payables service on today 26 October during 20:00 - 24:00 CEST 
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

20. oktoberber 2023


Due to Planned Maintenance activity, DNB File Gateway will be unavailable during the Time Window 21/10/2023 09:00:00 to 21/10/2023 10:00:00 CET.
So please make arrangements to send or receive files from our FileGateway before or after the Downtime Interval.

12. oktoberber 2023


Kjære kunde,
Grunnet vedlikehold av Corporate Access og File Transfer vil det på lørdag 14. oktober 2023 være et brudd i tjenestene for Corporate Access kunder og File Transfer kunder som bruker SFTP, AS2, ePEPPOL og SWIFTNet FileAct protokoller i ca 30 minutter fra kl.08.00 CEST.
Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører.
Best regards/ Vennlig hilsen,
Nordea Cash Management Customer Support

9. oktoberber 2023


Break Planned service break in Corporate Access, 14 October 2023 
Affected customers: Corporate Access customers 
Customer impact: Maintenance work will cause service break in connectivity for about 30mins on Saturday 14 October 2023 at 08:00 CEST. 
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

6. oktoberber 2023


Due to Planned Maintenance activity, DNB File Gateway will be unavailable during the Time Window 08th October 2023 04:00 CET to 08th October 2023 07:00 CET
So please make arrangements to send or receive files from our FileGateway before or after the Downtime Interval



26. september 2023


Corporate Access account reports are delayed 
Country: Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. 
Affected customers: Corporate Access Account Reporting customers. 
Customer impact: Update 09:15 CET: Account reports for Denmark, Finland and Norway are now delivered. Sweden is still pending. Delay in delivery of Corporate Access account reports for for business day 25.09.2023. CA XML Account statement standard (camt.053) CA XML Account statement extended (camt.053 ext) CA XML Credit advice all payments (camt.054 C) 
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea



Corporate Access account reports are delayed
Country: Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. 
Affected customers: Corporate Access Account Reporting customers. 
Customer impact: Delay in delivery of Corporate Access account reports for for business day 25.09.2023. CA XML Account statement standard (camt.053) CA XML Account statement extended (camt.053 ext) CA XML Credit advice all payments (camt.054 C)
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

20. september 2023


Kjære kunde,
Planlagt vedlikehold vil forårsake ustabilitet i Corporate Access Payables tjenesten i dag Onsdag 20. September mellom 20:00 - 22:00 CEST
Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører.
Best regards/ Vennlig hilsen,
Nordea Cash Management Customer Support

19. september 2023


Planned service break in Corporate Access Payables on 20 September 2023

Affected customers: Corporate Access Payables customers 
Customer impact: Planned maintenance work will cause disruption in Corporate Access Payables service on Wednesday 20 August during 20:00 - 22:00 CEST 
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

5. september 2023


Corporate Access account reports for Danish accounts delayed 
Country: Denmark
Affected customers: Corporate Access Account Reporting customers 
Customer impact: Delay in delivery of Corporate Access account reports for Danish accounts for business day 04.09.2023. CA XML Account statement standard (camt.053) CA XML Account statement extended (camt.053 ext) CA XML Credit advice all payments (camt.054 C)
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

1. september 2023


Hi Everyone,
Due to Planned Maintenance activity, DNB File Gateway will be unavailable during the following Time Windows
2nd Sept 2023 06:00 - 07:00 CET
3rd Sept 2023 09:00 - 17:00 CET.
So please make arrangements to send or receive files from our FileGateway before or after the Downtime Interval.


31. august 2023


Information about Service Change SHA1 Deprecation in Corporate Access File Transfer, Change Plan 
Affected customers: Corporate Access customers using Secure Envelope Corporate Access Web Services customers 
Change Time: The change is going to be completed via several steps during Q3-Q4 2023. More information can be found in Change Plan section below.
Change and Customer impact: In support to provide secure services and solutions to our customers, Nordea will discontinue the support of the SHA1 certificate and signing signature and replace it with SHA256 in Corporate Access. Nordea will also discontinue the support of TLS 1.0 and 1.1 and unsafe algorithms in SFTP and AS2. Customers need to take own efforts to make software changes so that: • SHA256 algorithm is used in digital signature in Corporate Access Secure Envelopes sent to Nordea. • Customer is able to validate digital signature created with SHA256 algorithm If customer validates digital signature in secure envelopes Nordea sends to customer. • Being able to use TLS 1.2 and 1.3, and stop using SHA1, 3DES and MD5 algorithms in AS2 and SFTP protocols If customers could not make the needed changes by the change dates in Q3-Q4 2023, payment files sent to Nordea would not be processed successfully or customers might have problems processing files sent by Nordea. Customers can find more detailed information about this change from Corporate Access page on Nordea.com, under “Documentation & tools" section, and then "SHA256 Change and Migration" subsection . NOTE! If you don’t work in the relevant area related to this change, it is important that you forward the message to the correct person/department within your company or your vendor as soon as possible. Change Plan and status on high level: 2022 April: For incoming messages/files of customers to Nordea, both SHA1 and SHA256 certificates, and SHA1 and SHA256 signing algorithms are supported. 2022 Sep 27th: Nordea had switched certificate issuing from SHA1 to SHA256. Since then, when customers download or renew certificates, only SHA256 certificates are issued. 2023 Sep 21st: Renew Nordea’s signature certificate which is used to sign secure envelopes Nordea sends to customers (in Nordea’s outgoing flow). Nordea’s signing certificate is a SHA1 certificate now, the new certificate will be a SHA256 certificate. A separate newsletter is sent with detailed information. 2023 mid of Oct: Deploying the change of disallowing TLS 1.0 and 1.1, and weak security settings in SFTP and AS2. 2023 Nov: Deploying the change in Nordea’s outgoing flow so that secure envelope Nordea sends to customer will use SHA256 algorithm in the signature. 2023 Nov-Dec: Deploying the change in Nordea’s incoming flow so that secure envelopes customers send in but with SHA1 signing algorithm will be rejected, and only SHA256 algorithm is allowed in the incoming secure envelopes. Along the migration work, we will inform more details and exact date/time about the change via our newsletters. Please read documents published on Corporate Access page of Nordea.com, which contain detailed information about the change. 
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

29. august 2023


Planned service break in Corporate Access Payables on 31 August 2023

Affected customers: Corporate Access Payables customers 
Customer impact: Planned maintenance work will cause disruption in Corporate Access Payables service on Thursday 31 August during 20:00 - 22:00 CEST 
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

24. august 2023


Hi Everyone, 
Due to Planned Annual DR and DB activity, DNB File Gateway will be unavailable during below Time Window – 

26th August 2023 06:00 – 07:00 CET
27th August 2023 06:00 – 09:00 CET
27th August 2023 12:00 – 15:30 CET
So please make arrangements to send or receive files from our FileGateway before or after the Downtime Interval.

19. august 2023


Planned service break in Corporate Access Payables on 26 August 2023

Affected customers: Corporate Access Payables customers 
Customer impact: Planned maintenance work cause disruption in Corporate Access Payables service on Saturday 26 August during 10:00 - 14:00 CEST 
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

18. august 2023


Kjære kunde,
Vi hadde problemer med å motta betalingsfiler og sende status rapporter. Dette er nå løst.
Vi beklager ulempene dette medførte.
Best regards/ Vennlig hilsen,
Nordea Cash Management Customer Support

8. august 2023


Planned service break in Corporate Access Payables on 12 August 2023

Affected customers: Corporate Access Payables customers

Customer impact: Planned maintenance work cause disruption in Corporate Access Payables service on Saturday 12 August during 09:00 - 14:00 CET

We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

3. august 2023


Kjære kunde,
Det er planlagt vedlikehold Lørdag 5. August 2023 mellom 09:00 - 14:00. Corporate Access kunder og File Transfer kunder som bruker SFTP, AS2, ePEPPOL and SWIFTNet FileAct protokoller vil ikke ha tilgang til tjenestene i oppgitt tidsrom.
Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører.
Best regards/ Vennlig hilsen,
Nordea Cash Management Customer Support



31. Juli 2023


Planned service break in Corporate Access 5 August 2023

Affected customers: Corporate Access customers

Customer impact: Maintenance work will cause service break in connectivity during 09:00 - 14:00 CEST on Saturday 5 August 2023.

We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

20. Juli 2023


Kjære kunde,
Corporate Access konto rapporter for 19. Juli er forsinket. Det jobbes med å rette dette, og vi regner med at det tar rundt to timer å få lagt ut alle rapporter.
Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører.
Best regards/ Vennlig hilsen,
Nordea Cash Management Customer Support

14. Juli 2023


Corporate Access Service Status Corporate Access File Transfer 
Affected customers: Corporate Access customers 
Customer impact: Corporate Access customers are facing issues with processing files delivered by Nordea. Investigation of the issue is ongoing. We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea


Corporate Access Service Status Corporate Access File Transfer
Affected customers: Corporate Access customers 
Customer impact Root cause of the issue has been found and solved. If needed, please contact customer support to request resend of files. Same apply if there is a need to make files available for download. 
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

3. Juli 2023


Corporate Access Service Status Detailed information for Corporate Access Payables transactions missing from Swedish account reports, business day 30 June 2023. 
Country: Sweden 
Affected customers: Corporate Access Account Reporting customers 
Customer impact CA XML Account Statement Standard (camt.053) and CA XML Account Statement Extended (camt.053 ext) for Swedish accounts for business day 30.06.2023 are missing detailed information about Corporate Access Payables transactions sent to Nordea. 
If you wish to receive a copy of the report with this information included, please contact Nordea customer support. 
The statement is a copy of the statement sent earlier this morning and not a new statement. 
The report will be delivered with value DUPL present in <copyduplicateindicator>but with a unique value in <msgid>. 
More information available in the Corporate Access Account Reporting Message Implementation Guidelines and Service Description available on nordea.com 
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea


26. Juni 2023


Kjære kunde,
Det er planlagt vedlikehold i Corporate Access Payables tjenesten på tirsdag 27 Juni mellom klokken 20:00- 22:00 CET.
Dette kan forårsake ustabilitet
Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører.

23. Juni 2023


Due to Planned Maintenance activity, DNB MFT load balancer fgw.dnb.no will be unavailable for external users who will connect to us over internet during the Time Window 24/06/2023 10:00:00 to 24/06/2023 12:00:00 CET.
So please make arrangements to send or receive files from our FileGateway before or after the Downtime Interval.

22. Juni 2023


Planned service breaks in Corporate Access Payables 
Affected customers: Corporate Access Payables customers 
Customer impact: Planned maintenance work might cause disruptions in Corporate Access Payables service on Tuesday 27 June during 20:00- 22:00 CET. 
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

14. Juni 2023


Corporate Access Account reports for part of Swedish accounts are delayed, business date 12 June 2023 
Country: Sweden 
Affected customers: Corporate Access Account Reporting customers Customer impact Delivery of some Corporate Access Credit advice reports (camt.054) for business date 12 June is still pending. Activities to solve the issue are ongoing. 
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

13. Juni 2023


Corporate Access Account reports for part of Swedish accounts are delayed Country: Sweden 
Affected customers: Corporate Access Account Reporting customers Customer impact Delay in delivery of Corporate Access Account reports for part of Swedish accounts, business date 12 June 2023. CA XML Account statement standard (camt.053) CA XML Account statement extended (camt.053 ext) CA XML Credit advice all payments (camt.054 C) 
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

2. Juni 2023


Due to Planned MFT DR activity, DNB File Gateway might have intermittent application availability and connectivity issues during the Time Window 04/06/2023 06:00:00 to 04/06/2023 21:00:00 CET.



31. Mai 2023


Planned service breaks in Corporate Access Payables - update to earlier informed schedule .
Affected customers: Corporate Access Payables customers .
Customer impact: Planned maintenance work cause disruptions in Corporate Access Payables service on Saturday 3 June during 08:00- 14:00 CET and on Wednesday 7 June during 20:00- 22:00 CET . 
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

30. Mai 2023


Kjære kunde,
Planlagt vedlikehold skaper ustabilitet i Corporate Access Payables tjenesten 31 Mai mellom 20:00 - 22:00 CET og 3 Juni mellom 08:00- 14:00 CET .
Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører.

25. Mai 2023


Corporate Access account reports for Norwegian accounts delayed 
Status: Solved 
Country: Norway 
Affected customers: Corporate Access Account Reporting customers 
Customer impact 09:00 CET: All account reports are now delivered. 
Delay in delivery of Corporate Access account reports for Norwegian accounts for business day 24.05.2023. 
CA XML Account statement standard (camt.053) CA XML Account statement extended (camt.053 ext) CA XML Credit advice all payments (camt.054 C) 
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

22. Mai 2023


Kjære kunde,
Det er planlagt vedlikehold i Corporate Access Payables tjenesten den 22. Mai 2023 mellom kl 20:00 - 22:00 CET.
Dette vil forårsake ustabilitet i tjenesten
Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører.

19. Mai 2023


Due to Planned Maintenance activity, DNB File Gateway will be unavailable during the Time Window 21/05/2023 04:00:00 to 21/05/2023 07:00:00 CET.
So please make arrangements to send or receive files from our File Gateway before or after the Downtime Interval.

12. Mai 2023


Due to Planned Maintenance activity, DNB File Gateway will be unavailable during the Time Window 14/05/2023 06:00:00 to 14/05/2023 09:00:00 CET.
So please make arrangements to send or receive files from our FileGateway before or after the Downtime Interval.



Planned service break in Corporate Access Payables on 16 May 2023 
Affected customers: Corporate Access Payables customers 
Customer impact: Planned maintenance work causes disruption in Corporate Access Payables service on Tuesday 16 May during 20:00 - 22:00 CET 
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

4. Mai 2023

Corporate Access Account reports delayed, business day 3 May 2023

Status: Solved

Country: Sweden

Affected customers: Corporate Access Account Reporting customers

Customer impact Corporate Access Account reports for all Swedish accounts for business day 3 May 2023 have now been delivered. CA XML Account statement standard (camt.053) CA XML Account statement extended (camt.053 ext) CA XML Credit advice all payments (camt.054 C).

We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea


Corporate Access Account reports delayed, business day 3 May 2023
Country: Sweden 
Affected customers: Corporate Access Account Reporting customers 
Customer impact Corporate Access Account reports for part of Swedish accounts for business day 3 May 2023 are delayed. CA XML Account statement standard (camt.053) CA XML Account statement extended (camt.053 ext) CA XML Credit advice all payments (camt.054 C) Root cause for the issue has been identified and process to deliver missing reports is ongoing.
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

3. Mai 2023

Corporate Access Account reports delayed, business day 2 May 2023
Status: Solved Country: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden 
Affected customers: Corporate Access Account Reporting customers 
Customer impact All Corporate Access Account reports for business day 2 May 2023 have now been delivered. CA XML Account statement standard (camt.053) CA XML Account statement extended (camt.053 ext) CA XML Credit advice all payments (camt.054 C) 
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea


Corporate Access Account reports delayed, business day 2 May 2023
Country: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden 
Affected customers: Corporate Access Account Reporting customers 
Customer impact Corporate Access Account reports for business day 2 May 2023 are delayed. CA XML Account statement standard (camt.053) CA XML Account statement extended (camt.053 ext) CA XML Credit advice all payments (camt.054 C)

Investigation to solve issue ongoing. 
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

2. Mai 2023

Planned service break in Corporate Access Payables on 6 May 2023
Affected customers: Corporate Access Payables customers
Customer impact: Planned maintenance work cause disruption in Corporate Access Payables service on Saturday 6 May during 08:00 - 17:00 CET
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea


12. April 2023

Service Status Outage in File Transfer service

Affected countries: All

Affected customers: Customers using File Transfer service via AS2, SFTP, SWIFTNet FileAct, ePEPPOL , EBICS or Corporate Access File Transfer.

Customer impact: File Transfer service has been up and running since 18:30 CET. We will monitor the progress closely. 16:00 CET: Due to outage in File Transfer service transferring files to/from Nordea is currently not possible. Processing part of payments with execution date today has been delayed, and payments have missed cut-off.

We apologize the inconvenience


11. April 2023

Corporate Access Service Status File transfer outage with impact to payment processing

Affected countries: All

Affected customers: Corporate Access

Customer impact: Due to outage in File Transfer service transferring files to/from Nordea is currently not possible. Processing part of payments with execution date today has been delayed and there is a risk for missing cut off. Some Swedish payments have already missed cut off.

We apologize the inconvenience caused Nordea


Kjære kunde,
Corporate Access Payment filer. Det har ikke vært mulig å laste opp eller ned filer siden 06:38 i dag tidlig.
Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører.


4. April 2023

Corporate Access Account reports for Danish DKK accounts and Swedish accounts delayed

Country: Denmark, Sweden

Affected customers: Corporate Access Account Reporting customers

Customer impact: Corporate Access Account reports for Swedish accounts have been sent out. Work is still ongoing for Danish DKK accounts. CA XML Account statement standard (camt.053) CA XML Account statement extended (camt.053 ext) CA XML Credit advice all payments (camt.054 C)


30. Mars 2023

Planned service breaks in Corporate Access Payables on 1 April and 3 April 2023

Affected customers: Corporate Access Payables customers

Customer impact: Planned maintenance work cause disruption in Corporate Access Payables service on - Saturday 1 April 2023 during 10:00 - 14:00 CET and - Monday 3 April 2023 during 20:00 - 22:00 CET

We apologise for the inconvenience


Corporate Access Planned Service Break
Planned service break in Corporate Access Payables on 3 April 2023
Affected customers: Corporate Access Payables customers
Customer impact: Planned maintenance work cause disruption in Corporate Access Payables service on Monday 3 April 2023 during 20:00 - 22:00 CET
We apologise for the inconvenience


28. Mars 2023

Til informasjon
SDC melder om feil på ERP-løsningen 28.03. Problemene gjør at filer ikke kan behandles på grunn av sertifikatfeil.

SDC melder at feilen kan påvirker dere som ERP-leverandør.


Corporate Access Account Reports Delayed Status: Update

Affected services: Corporate Access Account Reporting

Affected countries: All

Customer impact: There is delay in delivery of Corporate Access account reports for business date 27 March 2023 CA XML Account statement standard (camt.053) CA XML Account statement extended (camt.053 ext) CA XML Credit advice all payments (camt.054 C) Problem has been fixed, and reports are being delivered to customers.

We apologise for the inconvenience. Nordea


Corporate Access Account Reports Delayed

Affected services: Corporate Access Account Reporting

Affected countries: All

Customer impact: There is delay in delivery of Corporate Access account reports for business date 27 March 2023 CA XML Account statement standard (camt.053) CA XML Account statement extended (camt.053 ext) CA XML Credit advice all payments (camt.054 C) 

We apologise for the inconvenience. 



Kjære kunde,
Det er forsinkelser i levering av Corporate Access account reports filer for 27.03.2023

Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører.


23. Mars 2023

Planned service break in Corporate Access Payables on 25 March 2023
Affected customers: Corporate Access Payables customers
Customer impact: Planned maintenance work cause disruption in Corporate Access Payables service on Saturday 25 March 2023 during 10:00 - 14:00 CET
We apologize for the inconvenience this entails.


Kjære kunde,
Planlagt vedlikehold kan medføre ustabilitet i Corporate Access Payables tjenesten lørdag 25. Mars 2023 mellom kl 10:00 – 14:00 CET
Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører.

Best regards/ Vennlig hilsen,
Nordea Cash Management Customer Support


21. Mars 2023

Planned service break in Corporate Access Payables on 25 March 2023

Affected customers: Corporate Access Payables customers

Customer impact: Planned maintenance work cause disruption in Corporate Access Payables service on Saturday 25 March 2023 during 10:00 - 14:00 CET

We apologise for the inconvenience


17. Mars 2023

Kjære kunde,
Det er planlagt vedlikehold av Corporate Access Payables Mandag 20. Mars 2023 mellom 20:00 – 22:00 CET.
Ustabilitet vil forekomme.
Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører.


16. Mars 2023

Planned service break in Corporate Access Payables on 20 March 2023

Affected customers: Corporate Access Payables customers

Customer impact: Planned maintenance work cause disruption in Corporate Access Payables service on Monday 20 March 2023 during 20:00 - 22:00 CET

We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea

15. Mars 2023


Unfortunately, the error was not fixed last night.
SDC continues to work with high priority to correct the issue.

14. Mars 2023

Due to an error at SDC, the processing of some files submitted from 10.03.23 an forward has failed. Pain002 has not been sent to customers. The submitted files will be deleted.
A fix is being worked on, they will try to get it into production tonight 14.03.23.
The error seems to occurs for those who have more than 100 payments per file.

7. Mars 2023

Til våre kunder,
Det er planlagt vedlikehold i Corporate Access Payables 9. Mars 2023
Corporate Access kunder vil kunne bli berørt i ca. to timer mellom kl.20:00 – 22:00 CET.
Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører.


1. Mars 2023

Planned service break in Corporate Access Payables on 9 March 2023

Affected customers: Corporate Access Payables customers

Customer impact: Maintenance work planned for 2 March has been rescheduled, new date 9 March. Maintenance work cause disruption in Corporate Access Payables service on Thursday 9 March 2023 during 20:00 - 22:00 CET

We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea


27. Februar 2023

På grunn av en teknisk feil, så har behandlingen av betalinger sendt via ERP stoppet opp hos SDC. De jobber med å løse feil.
Betalingene må IKKE sendes på nytt.
Eika Servicesenter


Corporate Access Payables on 2 March 2023

Affected customers: Corporate Access Payables customers

Customer impact: Planned maintenance work cause disruption in Corporate Access Payables service on Thursday 2 March 2023 during 20:00 - 22:00 CET

We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea


3. Februar 2023

Service Status Corporate Access

Account reports for FI and SE accounts delayed, data missing for DK and NO accounts
Status: Solved Country: Sweden and Finland (delay), Denmark and Norway (missing data)
Affected customers: Corporate Access Account Reporting customers Customer impact Update 11:05
All reports for SE and FI customers are now sent.
No further updates planned.
Corporate Access Account Reports (CAMT053, CAMT054) delayed for Swedish and Finnish customers.
For FI accounts reports are expected to be sent out latest by 09.30 CET.
For SE Accounts current estimated delivery time is around 11.00 CET
Root cause for the issue has been found.
Update 09:30: for Danish and Norwegian accounts, some data is missing from the reports.
Next update: N/A - Solved
We apologise for the inconvenience, Nordea


2. Februar 2023

Kjære kunde,
Det er planlagt vedlikehold i Corporate Access og Filoverføring 4. Februar 2023
Corporate Access kunder og kunder som sender filer via SFTP, AS2, ePEPPOL, EBICS og SWIFTNet FileAct protokoller blir berørt i ca. to timer mellom kl.8:00 – 10:00 CET. Det kan også forekomme ustabilitet i tidsrommet 07:00 – 15:00 CET
Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører.


Flere kunder opplever at en eller flere betalinger sendt via Direkte Bankintegrasjon mot SDC får status «NARR – Unknown transaction status».
SDC jobber med feilsøking.

Meldt av
Eika Servicesenter


27. Januar 2023

Kjære kunde,
Grunnet vedlikehold vil tjenesten Corporate Access Payables være ustabil Mandag 30. Januar mellom kl.20:00 – 22:00
Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører.


26. Januar 2023

Kjære kunde,
Corporate Access Account Reporting filene er forsinket I dag. Vi jobber med å rette dette.
Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører.


20. Januar 2023

Kjære kunde,
Corporate Access Account reports for 19.01.2023 er forsinket. Det arbeides med saken og alle rapporter skal være levert i løpet av tidlig formiddag
Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører.


19. Januar 2023

We have problems with the delivery of camt.054C reports for 18.01.2023.

Work is ongoing to send out the last reports

19. Januar 2023


Kjære kunde,
Planlagt vedlikehold av Corporate Access Payables 20. januar 2023
Vedlikeholdsarbeid vil forårsake ustabilitet i Corporate Access Payables-tjenesten fredag 20. januar 2023 i tidsrommet 19.00 - 23.00 CET
Vi beklager ulempene dette medfører.


12. Januar 2023


På grunn av en feil hos SDC i perioden 11.01.23 kl. 22.00 til 12.01.23 kl. 11.30 så har betalinger sendt inn via Direkte Bankintegrasjon blitt avvist med Syntax Error.
Kunder som har fått avvist betalinger i denne perioden, må sende betalingene på nytt.


Meldt av
Eika Servicesenter


12. Januar 2023


Kjære kunde,
Det er feil ved norske tjenester i Corporate Netbank.

Det jobbes med å rette dette.